Central Montco Technical High School
For the Arts, Sciences, and Technology
Secondary Education Academy
Instructor: Dr. Debora Broderick
Ed.D. Reading/Writing/Literacy
M.A. English, Secondary English Certification
Email: dbroderick@cmths.org

Course Description
The Secondary Education Academy (SEA) is open to juniors and seniors interested in teaching learners grades 4+. The newly expanded SEA Program provides high school juniors and seniors an opportunity to develop the skills and dispositions of successful teachers through exploring careers in education. Through internships in area schools with certified teachers, and dual enrollment college courses, students in the SEA will potentially complete between 3-6 internships and earn up to 6 college credits. This program is also appropriate for students interested in all subject areas, as well as Special Education and English Language Learning.
The Secondary Education Academy consists of classroom instruction and internship experience with professionals from the field. Students complete three seven-week internships and earn over 95 internship hours during each year in the program. Students who attend the program for two years will complete up to six internships. Students also may earn 6 college credits through our dual enrollment options.
This program is appropriate for students who intend to major in education with the aim of earning a post-secondary PA professional teaching certificate in one of the areas below.
Internship Opportunities
Students are paired with certified educators in the following areas:
Upper Elementary
Middle School (all subjects)
High School (all subjects)
Special Education
Specials (Art, Music, Physical Education)
English Language Development (ELD/ESL programs)
School Counselor
Course Content
The SEA program provides an introduction to the knowledge and skills required to work in the teaching profession in the 21st Century. Course content includes the following.
Teacher preparation and entering the profession
Effective teachers and classrooms
History and philosophy of education
Meeting the needs of exceptional learners
Student diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging
Culturally relevant and sustaining education practices
Technology integration in the classroom
Arts integration across the curriculum
Legal and ethical issues in education
Developing a theory of practice
Educational research & writing
Post-Secondary Education
Recent Academy graduates are attending:
Penn State University
West Chester University
Millersville University
Bloomsburg University
Drexel University
Vilanova University
Cabrini University
Montgomery County Community College
Dual Enrollment
The Secondary Education Academy Program is a Dual Enrollment Class with Montgomery County Community College (MCCC). MCCC has approved our instructor, Dr. Debora Broderick, as an adjunct professor. As a result, students will receive transcripted college credit(s) that can be used to continue their post-secondary education at MCCC or any number of institutions. Students must earn a grade of "B"or higher to receive the credit(s).
ENG101: English Composition for Education Majors
Montgomery Community College (3 credits)
ED1010: Introduction to Education: Foundations of American Education
Delaware Valley University (3 credits)
Required Uniform & Materials
The CMTHS Required Teacher Academy Uniform can be ordered HERE:
Blue SEA Program polo shirt
On Internship Assignments:
Professional attire should be worn to all internship assignments.
Additional Requirements:
PA Child Abuse Clearance
Potential Certifications
Students in the Secondary Education Academy may earn the following federal or state certifications:
Mandated Reporter Training
Educators Rising Micro-credentials
Anti-Bias Instruction
Classroom Culture
Formative Assessment
Learner Assessment