Central Montco Technical High School
For the Arts, Sciences, and Technology
Little Hands Playgroup

What is Little Hands Playgroup?
Little Hands is the laboratory preschool at Central Montco Technical High School (CMTHS) in Plymouth Meeting. Little Hands is supervised by Ms. Alaina Zinni. The 10th, 11th, and 12th grade ECE students plan and teach the developmentally appropriate lessons and activities (activities also meet the PA Early Learning Standards).
We look forward to working with your children every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 12:15- 1:45. Drop your child off knowing they will have a ball participating in activities that encourage social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development.
Who can attend Little Hands Playgroup?
Any potty-trained child that is between 3 and 5 years old.
How much does this amazing group cost?
Little Hands is only one payment of $150 for the ENTIRE academic school year!
What is the ECE Program?
The Early Childhood Education Program is for high school students that are planning a career in Education. The ECE students study children from birth through 9 years old and may earn college credits while still in high school! The program is taught by Eileen Lawler M.Ed.
ECE students are required to have clearances and certifications to be part of the program.
The Early Childhood Education students and teachers are ready to meet your preschoolers!!
Questions/ Interested?
Email Ms. Alaina Zinni at azinni@cmths.org
Click HERE for the Little Hands PDF Flyer