Central Montco Technical High School
For the Arts, Sciences, and Technology
CMTHS Facility Reservations
CMTHS has 4 available spaces for use:
Board Room
Admin Board Room
Parking Lot
Click here to begin a Room Reservation Request at Skedda.
Click on the green "+" in the lower right corner to being the process.
Central Montco Technical High School
Facility Use Classifications
The classification scheme established in this policy will be used in determining fees and other requirements
Class I – District Sponsored Activities
Class I activities are those that are directly sponsored by the district. They include activities such as school programs (open houses, concerts by school organizations, etc.), college fairs, science fairs, interscholastic and intramural athletic events, and approved clubs. As a district sponsored activity, no building, custodial, security, or site manager fees will be charged and an insurance certificate will not be necessary. A list of any non-district individuals acting in a volunteer capacity must e submitted to the building principal prior to the activity taking place.
Class II – District Recognized Groups Acting in Direct Support of the District
Groups in Class II are those that are directly supporting district activities and include alumni organizations, PTAs, and formally recognized booster groups. Building use fees will not be charged to these groups. Custodial, security, and site manager fees will be charged when the activity occurs outside of the normally scheduled work hours. In addition, the district will extend its property and liability insurance coverage to groups designated in Class II. To be considered a Class II organization, booster groups and PTAs must receive formal designation by the Board.
Class III – Community Service Groups
Class III represents non-profit organizations that provide services to the communities within the three member school districts, community recreation organizations, and other non-profit community service groups. Class III organizations will be provided use of district facilities without charge, but will be required to pay custodial, security, and site manager fees when necessary. They will also be required to provide an insurance certificate in the specified amounts naming the district as additional insured.
Class IV – All Other Organizations and Individuals
Class IV represents all other organizations and individuals requesting use of district facilities. These groups will be required to pay facilities use fees and custodial, security, and site manager fees when necessary and to provide an insurance certificate in the specified amounts naming the district as additional insured
District employees requesting use of district facilities in a capacity other than their official district capacity must conform to the same requirements as any other organization or individual as identified in this policy.