Central Montco Technical High School
For the Arts, Sciences, and Technology
Driving and Safety
Public Safety Monitor: Mr. Joedy Johnson
Security: Ms. Karen Mabry
Automobiles, Parking, Driving and Riding Permits
Student Drivers are required to have a CMTHS Parking Permit to drive and park on CMTHS Property. Students who are passengers must also fill out paperwork. Stop by the Security Office to pick up an application or click on the button above for applications. More information about parking rules and permits can be found here in our Student Handbook under "Automobiles, Parking, Driving and Riding Permits" on page 9.
Safety Equipment
In posted areas, all students, faculty members and visitors must wear clear, non-colored lensed safety glasses. Other safety equipment such as face shields, respirators, helmets, gloves, shoes and other items must be worn when the activity calls for it. Instructors will explain this requirement in their lab.
Hazardous Chemical Training - Right to Know
Students are required to attend a mandatory school safety program that contains school safety topics including the state mandated "Right to Know" (hazardous chemical training). Click on this link to do a Material Safety Data Sheet Online Search.
Emergency Evacuation Drills
Periodic evacuation drills are a part of the school's on-going safety program.
Civil Defense Procedures
Emergency announcements will be made over the school's regular intercommunication system whenever the need arises. The school also has a telephone system that will command all communications channels.