Central Montco Technical High School
For the Arts, Sciences, and Technology
Building Trades
Instructor: Mr. David Ayres
Email: dayres@cmths.org
Instructor: Mr. William Barber
Email: wbarber@cmths.org
Instructor: Mr. Jerrold Mackereth
Email: jmackereth@cmths.org

Course Description
CIP Code: 46.0401
Building/Property Maintenance and Manager
This is an instructional program that prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills in the maintenance and repair of residential and commercial buildings. Instruction includes the basics of carpentry, electrical, millwork, plumbing, painting, minor sheet metal, masonry, tile setting, heating and OSHA safety standards.
The Building Trades Program is an excellent option for students interested in a career related to residential and commercial construction.
Course Content
Topics of Study include:
Building & Property Maintenance
Carpentry & Repairs
Portable Power Tools
Tools and Machine Maintenance
Structures: Roofs, Floors, Stairs, Doors, Windows, Walls
Masonry: Concrete, Floor and Wall Tile,
Residential Electrical Circuits
Residential Plumbing
Finishing Materials
Environmental Control Systems
Articulation Agreements are cooperative arrangements for granting admission and college credit to students who are continuing their education. Central Montco Technical High School has articulated its programs with a wide range of colleges and technical schools resulting in college credit or priority placement for CMTHS students.
Click HERE and select Building/Property Maintenance and Manager 46.0401 and your year of graduation to see what Articulation Agreements are available for this program of study.
Potential Certifications
Students in the Building Trades Program may earn the following certifications:
NOCTI Building/Property Maintenance PA
OSHA 10 hour Certification
Pennsylvania Pre-Apprentice Program
Gastite Certification
Tracpipe Certification
NCCER Credentials (various trades)
Ladder Safety Certification
Post-Secondary Education
Recent graduates from the Building Trades program are attending:
Williamson Trade School
Pennsylvania College of Technology
Montgomery County Community College
Drexel University
Thaddeus Stevens
Dual Enrollment with MCCC
The Building Trades Program is a Dual Enrollment Class with Montgomery County Community College (MCCC). MCCC has approved our instructor as an adjunct professor. As a result, students will receive transcripted college credit(s) that can be used to continue their post-secondary education at MCCC or any number of institutions. Students must earn a grade of "B"or higher to receive the credit(s).